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Welcome to SUPERB for Ultimate Manpower Solution P. Ltd.
Welcome To SUPERB for Ultimate Manpower Solution P. Ltd
Our organization focusing on supply of Nepalese manpower for outbound foreign employment.


The team has experience of supplying more than 150,000 workers worldwide in a time span of 20 years and aims to recruit more than 5,000 works every year. To produce at least 20 satisfied clients every year.


The vision is to become the most trusted manpower agency from Nepal to supply Nepalese workers worldwide.


To supply workers to the prospective clients on a time bound schedule. To supply manpower exactly as per the client's needed. To maintain data base of professional workers so as to provide instant solution to the client's need.

Message From Chief Executive Director

Hi everyone ?

Especially my more than 800 clients/colleagues worldwide, I have pleasure to inform you all that, I am “in the ring” once again to be of your services for the recruitment of Nepalese workers. I have opened up a new organization in the name “SUPERB for ultimate manpower solution Pvt. Ltd.” Labor Department License Number 1448/074/075.

I have high regards to you all for your more than 20 years of untiring support to help me reach to the position in which I am now. With this write-up, I hereby repeat my commitment of excellent services for the selection, recruitment and deployment of manpower to your esteemed organization.

In recent years the recruitment and deployment process has become more time consuming and rather uncomfortable to both parties due to new rules and regulations imposed from the recruiting countries as well as our own country Nepal. Therefore, it has become more meaningful to be in the market to troubleshoot the problems and provide best services as possible to my valuable clients.

I am sure you all shall support me in this juncture and work for the mutually beneficial projects.
Thanking you, Sincerely,
SUPERB for ultimate manpower solution Pvt. Ltd.

About Us

Licensed by Government of Nepal, Ministry of labor, Department of Foreign Employment number 1448/074/075, means a perfect solution for your manpower need from Nepal.

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Career Counseling

Skiled Manpower